One-way flights
Find the cheapest one-way flights from top search engines
Find the cheapest one-way flights from top search engines
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A one-way flight is simply an itinerary that flies you to your desired destination with no scheduled return flight. Passengers may require one-way flights for various reasons, including moving to another country or a long vacation with no return dates decided upon. Other reasons for booking one-way flights include giving you more flexible options with your travel plans, such as stitching together onward flights to explore different countries. Return flights are pretty limiting because you must return on a specific date, whilst one-way flights allow you to move around as freely as you desire.
Sometimes, booking two separate one-way flights on individual airlines can be cheaper, usually on low-cost budget carriers. For the long haul, booking a return flight rather than two separate one-way flights is generally more affordable. The best thing to do is to search for both options and see what is more economical using our search engine above.
The following five tips will ensure you get the cheapest one-way flight possible.
The best way to find the cheapest one-way flight routes is to visit our destination pages. They will show you the cheapest one-way flight routes within a particular country.
Another way is to check our flight deals carousel. This will give you a good idea of the cheapest flights from your destination country to anywhere in the world. Once you get a rough idea of cheap return destinations, you can then search for those destinations, one way to get an even more economical flight.
The best sites are undoubtedly the flight comparison sites. However, comparing many of them using our one-way flight finder would be wise to ensure you clinch the ultimate one-way deal.
Sometimes, Skyscanner will have the best price; other times, it will be KAYAK; on different occasions, it will be JetRadar or KIWI. This unpredictability makes it essential to compare all of them using our dashboard to ensure you get the best deal possible.
Below are some of the search engines we recommend for cheap one-way flights. Use the tools below to get a good idea of pricing, then come back to FlightsFinder to compare multiple comparison sites on those dates to get the most optimal price.
Some tools to search for one-way flights:
KAYAK's Explore feature shows the cheapest flights flying out of your local departure airport on an interactive map. You can filter options by departure time and length of stay and specify the type of trip you want, such as a city, beach, romantic, or family break. It is a good starting point for exploring your cheap flight options.
Visit - KAYAK Explore
KIWI also has a flexible one-way search tool. You can filter flights by price or popularity; price will show you the cheapest options, while popularity shows the most searched-for one-way routes. Other nifty features in their search are seeing prices after adding checked bags, searching for hidden city tickets (where the stopover is cheaper than the final destination), self-transfer tickets (i.e. catching a connection on two separate airlines), and checking throw-away tickets (i.e. booking a return trip but disregarding the return leg).
Visit -
Google Flights is, without a doubt, the fastest flight search engine. You can use their Explore feature to view the cheapest one-way flights from your departure airport on a map. You also have powerful filtering options like specifying stops, price, and layover length and only showing particular airlines if you wish.
Visit - Google flights explore
This page's content was created and verified by Shahab Siddiqui, the visionary founder of Over 15 years ago, he pioneered the concept of a Meta-Meta flight search engine and continues to be a significant authority on international travel.
Shahab's expertise has been featured in numerous esteemed publications, including Business Insider, The LA Times, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, and The Huffington Post. Notably, he developed while undergoing dialysis treatment for kidney failure. His inspiring story is detailed here.
To connect with Shahab, visit his LinkedIn profile.
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