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Flight Finder

Find cheap flights from the world’s best comparison sites




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  • We compare
  • Kayak
  • Skyscanner
  • Momondo
  • Cheapflights
  • Jetradar
  • Kiwi

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FlightsFinder finds the cheapest flights from 100’s of airlines and OTA’s on flight routes worldwide.

Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site
Flight comparison site

We compare prices on our dashboard from the best flight comparison sites, like KAYAK, Skyscanner, Kiwi & more.

Flight ticket

Rest assured that we will find you the most economical ticket from the world's foremost airfare search engines.

Recent cheap flight deals found from New Zealand:

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What is Flights Finder?

What is Flights Finder?

Our flight finder is an easy-to-use tool for finding a cheap flight, comparing prices from the world's best flight comparison sites. These websites use smart technology to compare airfare prices from hundreds of airlines and travel agents. We make it a point to only search the most trustworthy, reliable and well known comparison sites on the market.

FlightsFinder lets you compare flights from the best flight aggregators on one screen, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, Kiwi, momondo, Cheapflights, Google flights and others. Since each site shows different results, it's important to check them all for the best deals.

How to use FlightsFinder?

Once you enter your travel details and click search you will see a selection of tabs at the top of the screen. Simply click a tab to load flight prices from that respective search engine. In this way you can compare and locate the best flight prices in a matter of moments.

Video tutorial:

Watch the short video below for a quick demonstration of FlightsFinder.

How does our Flight Finder work?

How does our Flight Finder work?

FlightsFinder uses three main principles to find you a better deal.

1.) Compare multiple search engines:

We allow users to compare prices from the best sites using our easy-to-use dashboard. We pull in data from multiple engines comparing over 1200 airlines and travel agents.

2.) Compare flexible options:

Our robust flexible date calendars will estimate cheaper dates to fly on. You can browse our calendars for cheaper days to fly or even 'search anywhere' in our search form if you have nowhere in mind.

3.) Hire expert flight hunters:

We enable users to access specialist flight experts who will help them find their perfect deal for a small fee. If the expert is unable to find you a better deal we charge you nothing. 

Which flight comparison site / flight finder is the best?

Which flight comparison site / flight finder is the best?

No single flight comparison engine is the best every time. Each website excels in different areas: KAYAK covers North American routes well, Skyscanner is ideal for European flights, and Kiwi specializes in stitching together low-cost fares from non-affiliated global airlines. Jetradar, Jetcost, and Google Flights cater to specific needs such as Asian travel, long-haul flights, and major airline coverage respectively. The search engines we show you are the most reputable, have broad airline coverage and have access to the cheapest fares worldwide.

Here are some of the flight search engines you can compare on our site:


KAYAK logo

KAYAK is one of the most popular flight comparison engines in the world. It is owned by Booking Holdings and has millions of users worldwide. It has been live since 2004 and is our primary partner. You will see KAYAK results on the first tab of our search results screen.

2. Skyscanner

Skyscanner logo

Skyscanner is one of Europe's biggest flight search engine's. Established in 2003 they have excellent coverage of european carriers. Our flexible dates calendar is powered by the Skyscanner search engine and you can find their results on the second tab of our search results page.


KIWI logo

Established in 2011, Kiwi has established itself as an important global flight search engine. They specialise in combining fares from non-cooperating airlines to cobble together cheaper fare itineraries. Sometimes this results in long layovers but it could be worth it if you manage to save hundreds. You can compare their results on the third tab of our search results screen.

We also compare momondo, Cheapflights, Jetradar, Jetcost, Skiplagged and Google flights.

Is it safe to book through FlightsFinder?

Is it safe to book through FlightsFinder?

FlightsFinder does not sell you your flight, we are simply a search engine aggregating results from numerous flight websites in an easy to compare format. However, FlightsFinder only compares airfares from well-known, safe and trustworthy flight comparison sites who have been in the travel industry for more than ten years. Having said that we always recommend you research the travel agent you are directed to via one of the search engines on our site before booking.

We have also been endorsed by numerous publications, including travel authority Frommers, who noted our potential to save hundreds on a single flight[1]. The Telegraph[2] and various voices within the travel industry have, for a long time, advocated comparing multiple cheap flight comparison sites as an effective search strategy.

As for our origin, we were founded by Shahab Siddiqui who launched the site after years of researching the travel landscape. Our search engine benefits from his extensive experience spanning over 15 years in the travel industry. Siddiqui's insights are frequently sought by the media, with features in reputable publications such as the Huffington Post, Business Insider, Mail Online, The Express, and numerous others.

How to find cheap flights: Questions & Answers

How do I find the cheapest flights ever?

How do I find the cheapest dates to fly?

What is Meta-Meta flight search?

How do I find which airline is the cheapest?

Are the prices on Flights Finder accurate?

Which search engine is best for finding cheap flights?

How do I find the cheapest flight price guaranteed?

How do I find the cheapest flights to a particular country or city?

How can I keep myself informed of the latest flight deals?

What are some other top tips to get the cheapest flights possible?

FlightsFinder in the press

Is this the king of airfare search sites? The aggregator of aggregators




This page was written and reviewed by: Shahab Siddiqui

[1] Jason Cochrane (13th September 2018) Is This the King of Airfare Search Sites? The Aggregator of Aggregators - Frommers.

[2] Hugh Morris (28th August 2018) Do we really need a comparison site of flight comparison sites – and can it save you money? - The Telegraph.