Multi City Flights
Find the cheapest multi city flights from the best websites
Find the cheapest multi city flights from the best websites
Enter your desired destinations and travel dates for up to 6 multi stop flight legs
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Multi-city flights enable travellers to visit multiple destinations in one single itinerary. Most search engines have multi-city search engines, which allow you to enter up to six legs, and they will find you the most optimal tickets. The benefits of a multi-destination ticket include taking in the sights of multiple cities while saving time by having luggage carried forward for you; it can also help by breaking up long journeys into shorter, more manageable trips. Multiple flights can also be financially beneficial, as you can hop on short-budget flights from one destination to the next. Multi-city flights also allow you to depart and return to and from different airports, making it an ideal option if you want to travel like a nomad.
Sometimes, searching for multiple one-way flights is cheaper than a multi-city flight. The best advice is to do both searches and then compare the results. A tactic we advise here at FlightsFinder is to first search for one-way flights and use the flexible dates calendar to find optimal dates to fly; once those dates are discovered, try searching for the entire itinerary in our multi-city search facility to see if you can save even more. Unfortunately, you cannot see flexible date calendars on existing multi-city search facilities, so we recommend one-way searches first.
Even if you plug in the exact details, different search engines will produce different prices because each has varying relationships with the airlines and travel agents. Also, some search engines work by combining fares from different unconnected airlines, affecting the final results they produce. The best way to overcome this is by searching multiple search engines simultaneously using our powerful search engine dashboard. Our multi-city search enables you to compare leading comparison sites, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, KIWI, Jetradar and more, ensuring you get the best possible multi-city flight deal every time.
Including departing on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Our historical pricing data suggests it is typically cheaper to fly on a Tuesday or Wednesday, so always check those days to see if you can save. As we said earlier, it is wise to check single flights using a flexible flight calendar to determine cheaper dates for each route, then search the whole itinerary in a multi-city search engine.
then compare multiple cities to see which works out cheaper. As we mentioned earlier, it's wise sometimes to search for a series of individual flights in a one-way flight search and see the total price. This will allow you to tweak your dates and find the most economical days to travel. Once you have discovered those dates, go ahead and type the entire itinerary in a multi-city search facility and compare it to see if you can save it. Alternatively, you can always click the expert help icon in the bottom right corner and get professional assistance from a multi-city flight expert for a small fee.
Even if you enter the same search parameters, different search engines will produce different results. This is because each search engine algorithm will vary slightly in the travel sources it has access to and the number of airlines it searches. That is why recommends you search more than one using our easy-to-use dashboard. We compare some of the best multi-city metasearch engines, including the following popular sites:
KAYAK: KAYAK offers one of the most comprehensive multi-city flight searches online. It claims to search over 1,200 sources for the best deal. It features several powerful filtering options, including how your preferred payment method will affect the price. You will find KAYAK results on the first tab of our multi-city search results page.
Skyscanner: Skyscanner is one of the world's most significant search engines and has excellent global coverage. We show you Skyscanner results on the second tab on our multi-city results page. It is always recommended to compare Skyscanner alongside the other search engines we search, as prices can vary by up to 20% between sites.
Kiwi: Kiwi is a Czech-based flight search engine specialising in virtual interlining. This means stitching fares from multiple unrelated airlines together. This method may result in slightly more extended layovers and the risk of missing connecting flights; however, the savings may justify taking the risks. Kiwi does, however, guarantee that they will find you an alternate flight in case of a missed connection. You can find their results on the third tab of our results page.
Jetradar: Jetradar, also known as Aviasales, is another recommended search engine for multi-city flight searches. It sometimes searches sources not found elsewhere, which can result in cheaper prices. We advise, however, that you thoroughly research less well-known ticket sources to see their track records before parting with your money.
Momondo: Momondo is another search engine that allows multi-city flight searches. It can often beat its competitors, so it is well worth checking their results on our dashboard. You have multiple filtering options, like selecting or deselecting particular airlines, choosing layover lengths, and limiting your number of stops.
FlightsFinder helps users locate the cheapest possible multi-city flights by comparing the most essential flight search engines online. We have carefully selected the best multi-city search engines to return the most comprehensive results from hundreds of other sites online. You can save over 20% off your next multi-stop flight ticket by comparing the various tabs online. Click the tabs on our search results page to compare options quickly and easily, which would otherwise take a long time to achieve.
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