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Cheap Flights

Compare low-cost flights from the cheapest & best sites




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  • We compare
  • Kayak
  • Skyscanner
  • Momondo
  • Cheapflights
  • Jetradar
  • Kiwi

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We search over 1200 travel sites including 600 airlines and dozens of travel agents for low-priced flights


Our powerful search engine works by comparing the world's foremost comparison sites on one screen

Flight ticket

Once you have found your affordable flight you can easily book with a provider of your choice

What exactly is a cheap flight?

What exactly is a cheap flight?

A cheap flight is an airline ticket price considerably lower than its regular price. For example, a round-trip flight from Jakarta to Perth could generally set you back around Rp4,000,000 - Rp5,000,000, but if you found the same flight for around Rp2,300,000, that would be considered 'cheap'. 

One of the easiest ways to find affordable airfare is to 'search anywhere' in our user-friendly search engine; this will give you the cheapest flights departing from your chosen airport. To see the cheapest flights to particular cities, browse our destinations pages; this will give you an idea of low-cost prices there. Another simple way is to play around with our 'Low-cost flight deal finder' below to locate the latest cheapest flights around the globe.

Where can I find the cheapest flights?

When it comes to finding lower-cost flights, comparison sites are your best bet. Our flight finder is a robust search engine designed to assist you in finding a cheap flight by comparing prices across various leading flight comparison websites. These sites utilize cutting-edge technology to compare airfares from hundreds of airlines and travel agents. Rest assured, we only search for the most trustworthy, reliable, and well-known comparison sites on the market, ensuring your flight search is secure and reliable.

Flight search engine logos

The FlightsFinder dashboard compares flights from the best flight aggregators, including KAYAK, Skyscanner, Kiwi, momondo, JetRadar, Cheapflights, Google flights and more. You will notice that each flight comparison engine will deliver different results, making it imperative to search more than one to be sure of the most affordable price.

Low-cost flight deal finder

How to find the cheapest flights?

How to find the cheapest flights?

We recommend the following ways you can use our flight finder to get yourself an affordable flight.


  1. Compare Sites - Make sure you click at least 4 comparison engines on our search result page. In fact the more you click and compare the more certain you can be that you’ve got the best deal.
  2. Be Flexible - Use our flexible calendars to see if departing on a different day will be cheaper. Our calendars can easily be accessed by selecting flexible dates in our search form or clicking the ‘date grid’ icon on the search results page.
  3. Try Alternate Airports - Try searching for multiple departure airports. You can search from the entire country to a particular country using our broad search engine. You will find it just above under the heading - ‘Low-cost flight deal finder’.
  4. Compare One Way - Try searching for 2 separate one way flights rather than a return flight. You can do that easily by selecting the one way flight option on our main search engine. We also have flexible calendars for one way flight search.
  5. Add a Layover - Try adding a layover to see if that will cut the price down. Sometimes it is worth breaking your journey up by stopping at a destination on the way. You can play around with this option using our multi city flight option.
Where is it cheapest to fly to right now?

Where is it cheapest to fly to right now?

Here are some cheap round-trip flight deals we uncovered using our search engine departing from various Indonesian Cities; click the destinations to see estimated pricing.
Padang to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Rp540,623
Surabaya to Singapore - Rp592,981
Bandar Lampung to Jakarta, Indonesia - Rp606,686
Jakarta to Manila, Philippines - Rp1,281,367
Jakarta to Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei - Rp1,511,707
Medan to Bangkok, Thailand - Rp1,540,657
Jakarta to Bandar Lampung, Indonesia - Rp630932
Jakarta to Perth, Australia - Rp2,349,435
Jakarta to Krabi, Thailand - Rp1,597,272
Jakarta to Osaka, Japan - Rp3,830,395

Can I get an expert to help me find a cheap flight?

Can I get an expert to help me find a cheap flight?

FlightsFinder offers a unique service for those struggling to find cheaper flights. For a small fee, you can hire a flight search expert on our site who will 'beat your best price'—or else you get your money back.

Our expert flight hunters have a proven track record of saving consumers money by using various tactics and exploring little-known tricks to shave money off your flight price. Some of the tactics include - searching multiple reliable and safe websites, searching multiple different departure and arrival dates, comparing prices from different departure and arrival airports, Seeing if layovers can reduce the cost and utilizing points and miles in the most efficient ways.

A recent success story was when a customer called Michael asked our experts to find him a cheaper flight from Atlanta to New Zealand, then Canada, and back to Atlanta. The best price he could find was $5960 (approx: Rp96,939,400). Our expert searched high and low and managed to secure a cheaper deal for $4948 (approx: Rp80,349,100) on another website that Michael had not considered. Needless to say, Michael was delighted with the results.

Flight expert help

You can start with our experts by clicking the expert help icon in the bottom right corner.


How to find cheap flights? Question and Answers

What is the best way to find cheap flights?

In which month are flights cheapest?

Which airlines are cheapest?

How can you use our calendars to find a cheaper date to fly?

Which day is the cheapest to depart for a low-cost flight?

How far in advance should I book for a discount?

Which website finds the cheapest flights?

Is booking multiple single flights cheaper?

Can someone help me find a cheap flight?

What are the disadvantages of low-cost flights?

This page is fact-checked by Shahab Siddiqui.

This page is fact-checked by Shahab Siddiqui.

The content on this page was authored and verified by Shahab Siddiqui, the visionary behind Over 15 years ago, he introduced the innovative idea of a Meta-Meta flight search engine and remains an influential voice on international travel matters.

Shahab's insights have been highlighted in numerous prestigious publications such as Business Insider, The LA Times, The Daily Mail, The Telegraph, and The Huffington Post, among others. Remarkably, he built while receiving dialysis treatment for kidney failure. His inspiring journey is detailed here.
To connect with Shahab, visit his LinkedIn profile.