Questions and Answers about Antigua and Barbuda
What are the average flight times to Antigua and barbuda?
from New York to Antigua and Barbuda - 4 hours 7 minutes, distance = 1775 miles
From Los Angeles to Antigua and Barbuda - 9 hours 12 minutes, distance = 3671 miles
From Miami to Antigua and Barbuda - 3 hours 7 minutes, distance = 1330 miles
From Chicago to Antigua and Barbuda - 6 hours 49 minutes, distance = 2309 miles
From Dallas to Antigua and Barbuda - 6 hours 56 minutes, distance = 2446 miles
What's the currency in Antigua and Barbuda?
The currency in Antigua and Barbuda is the Eastern Caribbean dollar:
1 Eastern Caribbean dollar equals: 0.37 United States Dollar
1 Eastern Caribbean dollar equals: 0.28 Pound Sterling
1 Eastern Caribbean dollar equals: 0.34 Euro
What are some fun facts about Antigua and Barbuda?
1.) The population of Antigua and Barbuda was 22,000 in 2014.
2.) Antigua and Barbudas capital city is St. Johns.
3.) English is the official language of Antigua and Barbuda.
4.) Antigua and Barbuda enjoy an almost constant tropical maritime climate.
5.) The total land area of Antigua and Barbuda is 171 square miles.
6.) The average lifespan of residents in Antigua and Barbuda is 76 years.
7.) Antigua and Barbuda are a collection of 2 islands plus 35 tiny caribbean islands.